泰勒絲 前男友們中 總有人會寫歌的
自然人家 就會也寫一首來對穿腸

Paper doll, come try it on 紙娃娃,來試試看這一件吧!

And step out of that black chiffon 脫下那件黑的雪紡禮服(注1)

Here's a dress of gold and blue 這裡有件藍金相間的洋裝(注2)

Sure was fun being good to you 看它曾經穿在妳身上那麼適合,真有趣


This one we made just for fall 我們做了一件秋裝(譬喻法:我們嘗試著重修舊好,像做了件洋裝給涼爽的秋天一樣)

And winter runs a bit too small 而到了冬天時,它卻又顯得有點太小件了(譬喻法:我們失敗,好像秋天做的洋裝在寒冷的冬天裡,穿不下了)

This mint green is new for spring 這一件薄荷綠的,是新做的春裝(譬喻法:我們再一次試著重修舊好,像做件新的春裝一樣)

My love didn't cost a thing 我的愛並沒有花費妳甚麼 


You're like 22 girls in one 妳就像一個典型的22歲女孩(注3)

And none of them know what they're running from 她們沒有一個知道自己是從哪裡跑出來的

Was it just too far to fall 這距離太高了,讓妳摔不得是嗎?

For a little paper doll? 對於一個紙娃娃來說?


Fold a scarf, Moroccan red 圍上那摩洛哥紅的圍巾(注4)

And tie your hair behind your head 紮起妳的頭髮

Strap into some heels that hurt 把腳塞進那雙磨腳的高跟鞋

You should’ve kept my undershirt 妳應該留著我的內衣背心的

You're like 22 girls in one 妳就像一個典型的22歲女孩

And none of them know what they're running from 她們沒有一個知道自己是從哪裡跑出來的

Was it just too far to fall 這距離太高了,讓妳摔不得是嗎?

For a little paper doll? 對於一個紙娃娃來說?

Cut the cord and pull some strings 剪斷鋼絲,拉些細線

And make yourself some angel wings 給妳自己造個天使翅膀吧(注5)

And if those angel wings don't fly 而如果這對翅膀飛不起來

Someone's gonna paint you another sky 別擔心,反正會有人為妳畫新的天空(注6)

'Cause you're like 22 girls in one 因為妳就像一個典型的22歲女孩

And none of them know what they're running from 她們沒有一個知道自己是從哪裡跑出來的

Was it just too far to fall 這距離太高了,讓妳摔不得是嗎?

Was it just too far to fall…… 這距離太高了,讓妳摔不得是嗎?......

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