我不知道你是誰 (I don’t know who you are.)
我也不知道你要什麼 (I don’t know what you want,)
如果你要贖金 (If you are looking for ransom,)
我可以告訴你我沒錢 (I can tell you I don’t have money.)
但是我有非常特殊的能力 (But what I do have are a very particular set of skills;)
這種能力是我畢生累積的結果 (skills I have acquired over a very long career.)
專門拿來對付像你這樣的人渣 (Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you.)
如果你馬上放走我女兒 (If you let my daughter go now,)
我就當作沒這回事 (that’ll be the end of it.)
我不會去找你 (I will not look for you,)
也不會通緝你 (I will not pursue you.)
如果你不這麼做 (But if you don’t,)
我會去找你 (I will look for you,)
我會找到你(I will find you,)
我會殺了你~~~(and I will kill you.)