來自英國雙人團體的 Tears For Fears 


《Real Genius》片尾時淡入了〈Everybody Wants to Rule the World〉
在《Pixels》劇情中於總統府慶功宴上演唱〈Everybody Wants to Rule the World〉。

Welcome to your life

There's no turning back

Even while we sleep We will find you

Acting on your best behavior

Turn your back on Mother Nature

Everybody wants to rule the world

It's my own design

It's my own remorse

Help me to decide

Help me make the Most of freedom and of pleasure

Nothing ever lasts forever

Everybody wants to rule the world

There's a room where the light won't find you

Holding hands while The walls come tumbling down

When they do, I'll be right behind you

So glad we've almost made it

So sad they had to fade it

Everybody wants to rule the world

I can't stand this indecision

Married with a lack of vision

Everybody wants to rule the world

Say that you'll never, never, never, never need it

One headline, why believe it?

Everybody wants to rule the world

All for freedom and for pleasure

Nothing ever lasts forever

Everybody wants to rule the world



紐西蘭創作歌手Lorde 改編的版本更帶點現代迷幻感 






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